Posts in Category: House

The day in review

Which day in review?  Could be just about any day, I guess.

Welcome to my work area.  Someday I will upgrade to an actual desk, instead of a pile of cardboard boxes and flooring basically held together by the cables winding through it.

The chair lends a vague respectability to the scene which is wholly unwarranted.

The Desk

The setup actually has improved slightly since this photo was taken –I finished installing the lock on the door, and could remove the microphone stand which at the time was the only thing holding it closed.  There isn’t much crime around here, but when you live in a former post office which still has “Postes Telegraphes Telephone” engraved on the front (and “Caisse Nationale d’Epargne” for good measure… that’s a savings bank) it’s best to have doors that can’t just be pushed open.

So this is one project on my list, though it’s not high on the list… it works, right?