Posts Tagged: bella

Les oies sauvages

Mrs. Bang and I just got back from a walk.

I’ve been feeling low for the past few days — I’m alone in the house for a couple of weeks (through the 28th or thereabouts), and my sleep schedule is still in the wild adjustment period that happens when my usual source of “go sleep now” reminders is out of town. Last night I made my way up to bed around 4:30, read for a bit, took a long time to drop off and woke up at 10. It’s not that I don’t need the sleep; my body just isn’t very good about telling me when it’s time to close up shop for the night… and I just walk around seeing the world a few shades grayer the next day. My thoughts get more easily tangled, I’m forgetful, and I’m more likely to plan my day poorly… which tends to lead to staying up late again. Anyway.

We stepped out the door just a bit after sunset, and we’d already walked across the square before I stopped and looked around.

A brief introduction: Mrs. Bella Bang

So, she has a bed, and it’s absolutely large enough for her, but sometimes she doesn’t seem clear on how to use it.

This is Bella.

The Missus in Repose

We imagine her full name to be Mrs. Bella Bang, principally because she sometimes has the air of a lady “of a certain age” as they say here, who carries a somewhat behind-the-fashion but very sturdy handbag which she is not afraid to swing with great force when some young rapscallion is raising a ruckus and needs some manners knocked into him.

Gave him a thwack on the earhole and sent him to bed without any dinner, eh Mrs. Bang?

That’s exactly right.